Blast Hoge Overview

Born from the vision of a community leader at the dawn of the Blast Network, Blast Hoge represents an unparalleled opportunity to enrich our vibrant community further. Here, we delve into the essence of Blast Hoge, highlighting our journey, innovations, community ethos, and the roadmap that lies ahead.

Inspiration and Genesis

The inception of Blast Hoge was sparked by the unveiling of the Blast Network—a moment that presented a unique opportunity to expand the Hoge Finance legacy into new territories. Recognizing the potential to amplify the community's prosperity, Blast Hoge was conceptualized to migrate the spirit and values of Hoge into a realm ripe with possibility.

Innovating for the Future

At the heart of Blast Hoge's innovation is our NFT-based governance model—a pioneering approach designed to democratize decision-making and reward participation with real yield. This model is a departure from traditional tokenomics, offering a fresh perspective on community engagement and rewards. Through this, Blast Hoge places the power firmly in the hands of its community, shaping the project's direction with collective wisdom and insight.

A Community-Centric Vision

Blast Hoge is built on a foundation of community-first principles. By integrating mechanisms that grant our members substantial influence over treasury decisions, including the implementation of a multi-sig requirement for actions, we ensure that the community's voice is not just heard but is pivotal in steering the project's course.

Tokenomics: A Structure for Growth

Our tokenomics are carefully designed to balance liquidity, growth, rewards, and long-term sustainability. We will perform a 50% burn of the total supply and then allocate tokens as follows:

  • Burn: 50% - A nod to our roots, we will burn 50% of the total supply after completition of our audit.

  • Hoge Finance Airdrop: 15% - A generous gesture to reward the loyal HOGE holders, bridging communities across networks.

  • Liquidity: 10% - Ensures robust market health and seamless transactions for our users.

  • Airdrop: 7.5% - Designed to expand our community and incentivize engagement.

  • Treasury: 7.5% - A reserve for future developments, community proposals, and unforeseen opportunities.

  • Partners: 2.5% - A testament to our collaborative ethos, ensuring our allies are vested in our mutual success.

  • Growth: 2.5% - Fuel for our journey towards ecosystem expansion and innovation.

  • Team: 2.0% - Recognition of the architects behind Blast Hoge, vested to align long-term interests.

  • Reserve: 2.0% - A prudent measure for operational flexibility and strategic initiatives.

  • Hoge Launch Key Airdrop: 1.0% - A unique reward for our early supporters and a gateway to exclusive benefits within our ecosystem.

The Road Ahead

Envisioning a future where Blast Hoge stands as a colossal community of over 100,000 active members, we see ourselves not just participating in the crypto space but shaping its evolution. Our DAO, driven by thousands of dedicated members, will manage a treasury exceeding $100 million, crafting new paradigms of collective wealth generation and decentralized governance.

Join the Revolution

Embarking on this journey with Blast Hoge starts with simple, impactful steps: joining our social channels, subscribing to our newsletter, and embracing the Blast Network by acquiring $HOGE. Together, we're not just building a project; we're forging a legacy.

Last updated