Treasury Strategies and DeFi Trading

Our strategies are crafted to balance risk and reward, leveraging cutting-edge tools and platforms to enhance our financial operations. Leveraging Brahma Console

Central to our DeFi trading strategy is the Brahma Console, a powerful tool that simplifies complex DeFi interactions. It allows us to execute multiple transactions in a batch, reducing gas costs and improving efficiency. This capability is pivotal for engaging in sophisticated DeFi strategies that require agility and precision.

Key Features of Brahma Console:

  • Batch Processing: Execute multiple transactions at once, optimizing our strategic moves across the DeFi space.

  • Security: Prioritizes the safety of our assets by eliminating the need for private key management within the extension, ensuring full control remains with the DAO members.

  • Integration with Leading Protocols: Seamlessly works with Ambient Finance, Juice Finance, Ring Protocol, and more, enabling us to diversify our strategies and maximize returns.

Ambient Finance

Ambient Finance stands out for its gas savings and versatile liquidity options. It combines concentrated, ambient, and knockout liquidity on a single curve, optimizing LP returns relative to market conditions.


  • Substantial gas savings and dynamically adjusted pool fees.

  • Auto-reinvestment of fees for compounded LP returns.

  • Prevention of JIT liquidity attacks through minimum TTL parameters.

Juice Finance

Juice Finance enhances our treasury by offering passive APY on USDB and WETH liquidity, allowing for up to 3x leverage on borrowed assets. This facilitates deeper engagement with the DeFi ecosystem, maximizing yield and points accumulation.


  • Lending: Provide liquidity with no impermanent loss and continuously earn passive APY.

  • Borrowing and Farming Vaults: Deploy borrowed assets into Juice Vaults for optimized yields and rewards.

Ring Protocol

With Ring Protocol, we access an AMM on Blast that rewards LPs with both transaction fees and the Ring Governance Token (RGB). This integration not only boosts our liquidity provisions but also aligns with Blast's yield mechanisms.


  • Earn fees and RGB through yield farming.

  • Leverage Blast's automatic yield mechanism for ETH and USDB.

  • Exclusive airdrops to the Ring community, enhancing our treasury's value.

Moving Forward

Our treasury management strategy is dynamic, continuously evolving to capitalize on new opportunities and navigate the complexities of the DeFi ecosystem. By leveraging innovative tools like Brahma Console and partnering with leading DeFi platforms, we aim to secure and grow the Blast Hoge treasury, ensuring a prosperous future for our community.

Last updated