Key Features and Innovations

The Blast Network innovatively enhances the Ethereum ecosystem by integrating native yield mechanisms and rewards for ETH, USDB, and through a unique system of Blast Points and Blast Gold. This revision clarifies previous inaccuracies and delves deeper into how users and dApps can maximize their engagement and rewards within the network.

Native Yield Mechanisms

At its core, the Blast Network offers a foundational yield on ETH and USDB holdings, a feature that distinguishes it from other Layer 2 solutions.

Yield on ETH and USDB

  • ETH/WETH Yield: Users holding ETH or WETH on the Blast Network benefit from a native yield of approximately 4%. This yield is reflective of the network's staking and financial protocols, ensuring that users' balances grow over time without active management.

  • USDB Yield: Similarly, USDB, the network's native stablecoin, offers a yield of around 5%, derived from Real-World Asset (RWA) protocols and on-chain T-Bill protocols. This yield accrues directly to users' balances, showcasing the network's commitment to providing value across its asset spectrum.

Blast Points and Blast Gold: Rewards Redefined

Beyond the native yield, the Blast Network introduces Blast Points and Blast Gold, two innovative reward mechanisms designed to incentivize user and dApp engagement.

Earning Blast Points

Blast Points are allocated based on wallet balance and activity on the network. Every user and smart contract earns Points for their ETH/WETH/USDB balance, encouraging both holding and active participation. These Points:

  • Grow with your balance, thanks to the native yield.

  • Can be increased by engaging with the network, such as bridging more assets to Blast.

  • Are earned by dApps based on their TVL, promoting the development of valuable protocols on the network.

Furthermore, users can earn Points through invites, with a bonus system that rewards for expanding the network's reach and engagement.

Distributing Blast Gold

Blast Gold represents a manual reward distributed to dApps for their contribution to the ecosystem. Allocated bi-weekly, Blast Gold is aimed at fueling growth and encouraging dApps to pass rewards directly to users. This system:

  • Recognizes and rewards dApps based on objective metrics and their alignment with Blast's features and goals.

  • Requires dApps to integrate with the Blast Points API for distribution, ensuring transparency and user benefit.

  • Encourages community growth by rewarding users for engaging with and promoting dApps within the ecosystem.

Integrating Rewards with the Ecosystem

The Points API facilitates the distribution of Blast Points and Blast Gold, allowing for a seamless incentive mechanism that benefits all participants. By rewarding wallet balances and dApp engagement, the Blast Network creates a comprehensive rewards ecosystem that:

  • Encourages active participation and growth within the network.

  • Automatically enhances user balances through native yield and earned Points.

  • Supports the development and promotion of dApps that contribute meaningful value to the ecosystem.

The native yield and rewards system of the Blast Network exemplifies its innovative approach to Layer 2 solutions, providing users and developers with tangible benefits that promote a vibrant and growing DeFi landscape.

Last updated