Blast Points and Blast GOLD

Beyond the native yields, the Blast Network enriches user and developer experiences with Blast Points and Blast Gold, creating a comprehensive ecosystem of rewards that incentivize engagement and growth.

Blast Points: Earning and Growing

Blast Points serve as a dynamic incentive, awarded based on the ETH/WETH/USDB balance in wallets and smart contracts. These points are reflective of the network’s ethos to reward holding and active participation.

  • Wallet Balance Rewards: Your balance isn't just a number; it's a source of growth. As you hold or increase your balance through activities like bridging assets to Blast, you accumulate Blast Points, enhancing the value of your engagement with the network.

  • DApp Involvement: DApps play a crucial role in the ecosystem, earning Points based on their Total Value Locked (TVL) and redistributing these rewards back to users, fostering a cycle of growth and participation.

Blast Gold: Fueling DApp Growth

Where Blast Points reward individual and DApp holdings, Blast Gold is specifically aimed at propelling DApp development and user engagement within the Blast Network. Allocated bi-weekly, this reward mechanism emphasizes the network’s commitment to fostering innovation and community-driven growth.

  • Developer Incentives: Blast Gold is a testament to the network’s support for developers, rewarding DApps based on their contribution, alignment with Blast’s features, and overall ecosystem value.

  • Community Engagement: By requiring DApps to distribute Blast Gold to users, the network ensures that rewards directly benefit the community, encouraging a vibrant, engaged, and growing DeFi landscape.

The Cohesion of Yield and Rewards

Together, native yield, Blast Points, and Blast Gold form the cornerstone of the Blast Network’s value proposition. By seamlessly integrating these mechanisms, the network offers a unique blend of passive income and active rewards, setting a new standard for what users and developers can expect from a Layer 2 platform.

The introduction of native yield mechanisms coupled with the innovative Blast Points and Blast Gold system represents a holistic approach to rewarding participation, holding, and development within the Blast Network. As users navigate this enriched landscape, they find themselves at the heart of a new era of DeFi—one that values growth, engagement, and community contribution above all.

Last updated